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The Pomeranian by Ludwig Reichenbach (1852)


An excerpt from The predatory mammalsReichenbach, Ludwig, 1793-1879


First main race: Spitz dogs: Canis familiaris orthotus

Features: Ears pricked
First race. Properpublic spitz dogs: tail bent back in a spiral.


The Pomeranian: pomeranus GMELIN

French: le chien pomérien.
English the pomerian wolf dog
Swedish: Varghund
Icelandic: Ulvidur Unglidur

Growth of the previous one, head mostly relatively large, pointed snout, ears stiff and pointed, narrower than in cattle dogs, tail very spirally curved, hair on the body short, on the belly, the throat, thighs and tail long. By the way, medium-sized, white, Isabella, less often brown, black or piebald.

A courageous, lively and alert, but biting, suspicious dog, which also steals meat products and the like from its master, although it is otherwise happy and affectionate. Widespread over the temperate regions in greater and lesser variation, the latter is preferably called Spitz or Fir: bassa.

The Longhaired Spitz: pomeranus villosus. (Sibiricus GMELIN.)

French. le oh pomerien de Siberie
English the Siberian Wolf Dog

Medium sized, distinguished from previous by long hanging hair and probably a bred variety of Pomeranian and Bolognese. Pallas refutes Gmelin's claim that this dog is native to Siberia. Natural of the previous one, sticky and grumpy like Bolognese.

The English Spitz is the smallest form of this variety, with long, fine white hair and excellent hip bones.

Heinrich Gottlieb Ludwig Reichenbach

Born January 8, 1793 in Leipzig; died March 17, 1879 in DresdenHe was a Saxon, German scientist, zoologist and botanist.



The predatory mammalsReichenbach, Ludwig, 1793-1879



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