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Zimní sen

Breeder of German Giant Spitz

Reasons for Becoming a Giant Spitz Breeder

My passion for animals began during my childhood when the household was filled with various small animals. However, my dream was always to have a dog. I specifically chose the Spitz breed due to their excellent nature with families and children.

In 2009, decision was made and I started looking around for white german spitz. It was my first female Spitz that the idea of breeding emerged, leading me on the path to becoming a breeder.

Giant Spitz Litter from 19.10.2021
CH Litter 19.10.2021

Choice of the German Giant Spitz

I started breeding Wolfspitz and had a total of 11 litters of this breed. However I had always been intrigued by the White Spitz, although it proved challenging to acquire a female in 2005. This led me to conduct an experiment, combining the Wolfspitz with a White Giant Spitz from Germany named „Roxy vom Berg Sonnenhof“. I found inspiration in the historical background of breeding Giant Spitz dogs, which further solidified my interest in this particular breed.

Origin of the Kennel Name

The kennel is named "Zimní sen," which translates to "Winter Dream." The name was chosen because the Spitz breed's fur possesses a beautiful coat during the winter season, reminiscent of a dreamlike quality.

Number of Animals in the Breeder's Home

There are reside three female German Giant Spitz dogs and two cats. And one female and one male live in my friend-coowner.

Location of the Kennel

Our residence is situated in a village named Palkovice, south of Ostrava in Czech Republic. We share the same living space with the dogs. They have access to a garden, providing them with ample space for exercise and play.

URSA MAIOR von Kauthen Ruh & CH Litter
URSA MAIOR von Kauthen Ruh & CH Litter

Number of Litters and Future Plans

To date, we have successfully produced six litters of German Giant Spitz dogs. Additionally, I have plans for future litters, as I currently possess two young females - one white and one black. I commitment to breeding these dogs showcases and I dedication to the breed and I desire to continue improving and expanding their kennel's lineage.

Litter B *08.12.2012
B Litter 08.12.2012

Breeds of Zimní sen

The German Giant Spitz breed, with its fascinating history and charming characteristics, became the breeder's primary focus. Their kennel, named "Zimní sen," reflects the breed's stunning winter coat. With six litters already produced and plans for more in the future, it is evident that she is committed to maintaining and improving the German Giant Spitz lineage. Through her dedication and passion, this breeder contributes to the preservation of the German Giant Spitz breed.


Sources: Photos & Text for this report with kind approval: Jarmila Krpcová



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