The man about whom much is said and written on TV, on the radio and in all newspapers: Alexander Dubček.
In addition to his work in politics, he relaxed in his free time by working in the garden near the family home in Bratislava. His faithful companion is the white Great Spitz "Luxo".

Alexander Dubček (1921-1992)
He was a Czechoslovak and Slovak politician. As General Secretary of the Czechoslovak Communists from 1968 to 1969, he was the most powerful politician in Czechoslovakia and became the leading figure of the Prague Spring. Dubček previously held the position of First Secretary of the Communist Party of Slovakia (1963–1968).
After the suppression of the Prague Spring, he had to leave politics. In 1989, however, he joined the anti-communist opposition and, together with the Czech Václav Havel, became one of the main figures in the Velvet Revolution, as a result of which Dubček was elected chairman of the Czechoslovak federal parliament (1989–1991). In 1992 he was elected chairman of the Social Democratic Party of Slovakia.
Dubček died on November 7, 1992 at the age of 70 as a result of a car accident.
Behind the scenes of his political career, Alexander Dubček is a warm-hearted man who loved children and was very good with animals. Several dogs played a significant role in his life. The predecessors of the white Spitz Luxo were shepherd dogs, which were very intelligent and independent at the time.
