Guest post by Naomi & Cabo
I am a class teacher and special education teacher in an inclusive comprehensive school. Cabo has been accompanying me to class for a year now and this year we have also started dog training.

Mostly he is just present in the class. But recently we also have a dog lesson twice a week, in which a small group learns everything about dogs. For example what is important when dealing with dogs, what they need, how they communicate through body language and much more. And one or the other trick is also included.
I've noticed that even the big "cool guys" really enjoy spending time with Cabo, petting him, playing with him and making sure nothing happens to him. Because he is part of it, is a good friend for the students: inside. One who listens and makes no difference. On the contrary, especially with the students: inside with challenges and handicaps, he feels particularly attracted and always has a very good feeling for his counterpart. The students: inside learn to better assess their behavior through Cabo. If it's loud and hectic, Cabo withdraws. If there is a good atmosphere, Cabo is also very relaxed.

All in all, this makes the class quieter and more relaxed. The students: inside take responsibility for Cabo and for each other. We have become a small family because of him. Some students even built a dog house for the class for him in engineering class. So that he can feel even better.

I didn't think it would go so well at first. I think that's mainly because Cabo is just so relaxed and empathetic. He is very devoted to people and especially loves children and young people. He thinks it's great when he's petted and cuddled and can also assess situations very well. If a student is sad, he notices it immediately and comforts. He is always a little clown and loosens up everyday school life.
The students: inside and I can no longer imagine learning and teaching without Cabo.
Guest post & photos: Naomi