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The Spitz in tournament dog sport


Großspitz Annerika vom Reuterberg beim Sprung über eine Hürde
Annerika vom Reuterberg

Tournament dog sport is a common sport for Annerika vom Reuterberg (call name Rika) and me. Tournament dog sport combines exercise and mental sport. Having fun together is always our priority.

Großspitz weiß läuft über eine Rampe auf dem Agility Platz
Run over the ramp

Der sportliche Großspitz: Sprung durch das Hindernis beim Hundesport

Großspitz in den Disziplinen: Gehorsam, Hürdenlauf, Slalom und Hindernislauf.
slalom and obstacle course

We run in four-way competition 1, i.e. obedience, hurdles, slalom and obstacle course.

Rika and I have a lot of fun going through the different courses.

Sometimes we even manage to get a placement. Our runs are usually flawless, BUT in obedience (obedience), we just about get the minimum number of points...

Deutscher Großspitz Hündin Sprung über eine Hürde beim Tuniersport

Every dog-human team has a performance certificate, where the runs are entered.

Rika managed to get the entry on her certificate: "Cancelled because of disobedience". How did she do it? A very simple matter: Rika jumped during the obedience running pattern, climbed over the fence from the dog training area and then tried to climb a tree!

A squirrel was sitting on the tree.

So they are our Spitz Dogs - great Dogs!

A guest post by C. Luksch-Wolff

Großspitze vom Reuterberg


Text: C. Luksch-Wolff (Großspitze vom Reuterberg)

Photos: Sarah Langner Fotografie



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