Tournament dog sport is a common sport for Annerika vom Reuterberg (call name Rika) and me. Tournament dog sport combines exercise and mental sport. Having fun together is always our priority.

We run in four-way competition 1, i.e. obedience, hurdles, slalom and obstacle course.
Rika and I have a lot of fun going through the different courses.
Sometimes we even manage to get a placement. Our runs are usually flawless, BUT in obedience (obedience), we just about get the minimum number of points...

Every dog-human team has a performance certificate, where the runs are entered.
Rika managed to get the entry on her certificate: "Cancelled because of disobedience". How did she do it? A very simple matter: Rika jumped during the obedience running pattern, climbed over the fence from the dog training area and then tried to climb a tree!
A squirrel was sitting on the tree.
So they are our Spitz Dogs - great Dogs!
A guest post by C. Luksch-Wolff
Großspitze vom Reuterberg
Text: C. Luksch-Wolff (Großspitze vom Reuterberg)
Photos: Sarah Langner Fotografie